
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lino printing trials

I'm having a go doing lino printing. The printing is not so hard, the cutting I find a bit tricky. I guess it's a matter of getting used to it. I can't say I truly enjoy the actualy cutting of the lino. I am impatient and want to get to the end quickly. I can see how lino cutting for me would be a fantastic excercise in practising patience, letting go and paying attention. It's not that I want the image to look a certain way, it's just that the printing is so much fun. My favourite part of this technique is the rough edges and the cut marks that occasionally show themselves here and there on the print. It adds character when it's imperfect. i really like the one on the brown kraft paper.


I thought I would share some fun decorating tips with you. I will put paint and/or texta to just about anything. When I purchased these mini storage units from IKEA I couldn't resist decorating the plain exterior. I used plain black and brown textas and was very happy with the result. Incidentaly those gorgeous spools of orange and red twine inside one of the drawers were purchased during the recent Magnolia Square market in Sydney from HEAVEN IN EARTH. They are a garden accesory business and have beautiful products.

Round bits of timber which I picked up at a construction site next door. I painted them and put some twine through the holes. They now hang on my wall in the dining room. Something differet. Again just texta on wood.

I picked up this old drawer from out the front of a nerby house during a council collection. There were 4 other drawers like it and I couldn't decide whether or not to take them, I thought about all the junk I already bring home and then don't know what to do with. I cleaned it up and of course painted it. I loved the result. Unfortunately by this time the council truck had already picked up the remaining 4.

This is a little wooden tray that I picked up at my local St Vinnies. I absolutely fell in love with it the moment I saw it. There is something so homely, warm and comforting about it I find. I can't stop looking at it.